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The NerdWorld Report J. R. Casey Bralla 377 Farmview Drive East Earl, PA 17519 610-810-7716 ![]() |
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and The Mind-Body Dualism Problem |
JRC-65 Computer
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Back in ancient times (1979), I used a SYM-1 single board computer as the heart of my senior mechanical engineering project. It formed the control system for a model solar heating system. (My project was to demonstrate how these newfangled microprocessors could control a physical device.)
The SYM was a great little system. It fit on a single PC board, about the size of single sheet of paper. It had a 6502 CPU running at 1 MHz, 1 Kilobyte of RAM, and a very nice built-in monitor with a hexadecimal keyboard that allowed one to enter hand-assembled programs byte-by-byte. It also included a special chip, called a VIA 6522, that had 16 individually addressed I/O lines that I used to control a pump and valves for my model solar heating system.
After I graduated, I continued to use and build the system, adding a video card, extra RAM, an assembler in ROM, and eventually two single-sided/single-density floppy disks so I could finally ditch the cassette deck for program storage.
(BTW, this meant I had a whopping 76 Kilobytes of on-line storage!
I was so cool, even my poops didn't stink. 😁)
I even built a wooden case to hold the thing, which had grown to became a 25-pound behemoth.
Since those days long ago, I've always had a desire to build a 6502 system of my own from scratch. Amazingly, most of the component parts popular in 1979 are still available. The venerable 6502 is not only still available, it has been improved with a 14-fold increase in speed, the addition of several more instructions, and the ability to slow down to a dead stop, without losing any data.
Ben Eater posted a text and video series on the Internet of how to build a 6502 system. Ben's videos are a great introduction to the 6502 since he shows how the CPU fetches data from specific addresses and executes those instructions. Ben put LEDs on the address and data busses so you can see exactly what the CPU is doing. My SYM-1 ran at a (then) blistering speed of 1 MHz. Unfortunately, even at this relatively slow speed, the signals on the address and data busses change so rapidly, the human eye can't see anything. Ben's system includes a analog variable speed clock for the computer (based on a 555 timer), where you can simply adjust a potentiometer to slow the CPU clock down to a crawl. At slow speeds, the LEDs can be read and interpreted.
I bought a copy of Ben's kit, and it inspired me to design and build my system. But I had a few extra objectives for the system. These are:
Design Objectives:
The system would consist of the following items:
Read Part 1 of this series, where I breadboard a variable clock generator using an Arduino Nano.